Seriously I'm here to stay this time and I REALLY mean it!! I used to love to blog but lately I've allowed so many other things to get in the way thus leaving my blog to suffer but NO LONGER :) Now I'll be honest and let you know I can't promise that I'll blog daily or even several times a week but what I can guarantee you is at least 1 new blog post a week to start and I think that'll be plenty for us to reconnect and get things on and popping again.
Hopefully all of you have been following me on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter so you know all the shenanigans that have been transpiring in my life over these last few months that I've been Blogging MIA. As I continue to rejoin the Blogging world I'll be sure to catch ya'll up or go further in depth on those happenings from the last few months.
So lets start anew with what's going on now . . . I've been back in the kitchen cooking all kinds of goodies, doing new & crazy workouts from right out the back of my truck that I'm going to share with ya'll, embarking on several different fitness ventures and everything else to boot :) So stay tuned for all the goodies because I PROMISE to bring'em to you on a more regular basis now that I'm BAAAAAAAACK!!!
LOOOOOOOVE Y'ALL TO HEALTH!!! :) :) :) See ya in the AM because this girl is BEAT seeing as how I've been going since 430am
F.I.T. with KQ
#FitFlyFitnessMomma who LOVES working out and who's here to CHANGE the World 1 client at a time through Functionally Integrated Training. Anyone can do simple weight training on a machine or boring cardio on a "rat wheel" (treadmill, bike, elliptical, etc) but its time to move away from that by combining mobility/stability, balance, speed, strength & power which will translate in our everyday lives thus bringing out the Athlete that lives within ALL of us! KQ~
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Thursday, September 13, 2012
I'm NOT who I USED to BE!!

The weight gain had me believing I was that 245lb girl
again but I WASN'T. . .I'M NOT. . .I WILL NEVER BE AGAIN as long as I
have breath in my body!! Then the next morning I received a call from my
manager letting me know I was being LAID OFF. . . yup I've kept that a
secret from ya'll all this time b/c it just wasn't the time to share it
but today I'm sharing!
Because of that sermon and other beliefs I have I politely said "Thank You Very Much for 11 years and where would you like your computer & when do I get my check". My manager was SHOCKED by my response and said "WOW you're so calm" To that I said "Yes I am b/c God says my time here is done and he has something GREATER for me & now it's time for me to explore that". I called LC and told him and his words were "GREAT!! Now its time for you to do what you're MEANT to do!!" I can't explain the feeling I had knowing he believed in me and supported me 100%!!
So now that sermon meant even more to me. . . NO I'm no longer that FAT girl that I see in the mirror & I will NEVER be again as long as I'm willing & able to work. And NO I'm no longer a defined as computer nerd by profession. . .now I have been given the opportunity to do what I'm PASSIONATE about! To get up every day and feel as though what I've done by the end of the evening has CHANGED someones life!!
Yes its been slow going! Yes its been a struggle sometimes. . .but I have never given up & never will b/c
1) I believe in what He (GOD) has in store for me & that this is MY SEASON
2) I have a supportive husband, family & friends who encourage, motivate, inspire me all the time and sometimes slap (figuratively that is) some sense in me when I get discouraged or doubtful
3) I ♥ what I'm doing!! I ♥ who've I've become from my struggles, accomplishments, failures & successes!! I may be tired, worn out, and running on fumes but when I lay my head down at night and pick it up in the morning I feel HAPPY & ACCOMPLISHED.
OK, OK, OK. . . I've yammered on enough so I'll end it here. ♥ Ya'll & I'll talk to ya later today b/c I've got some exciting things going on :)
Because of that sermon and other beliefs I have I politely said "Thank You Very Much for 11 years and where would you like your computer & when do I get my check". My manager was SHOCKED by my response and said "WOW you're so calm" To that I said "Yes I am b/c God says my time here is done and he has something GREATER for me & now it's time for me to explore that". I called LC and told him and his words were "GREAT!! Now its time for you to do what you're MEANT to do!!" I can't explain the feeling I had knowing he believed in me and supported me 100%!!
So now that sermon meant even more to me. . . NO I'm no longer that FAT girl that I see in the mirror & I will NEVER be again as long as I'm willing & able to work. And NO I'm no longer a defined as computer nerd by profession. . .now I have been given the opportunity to do what I'm PASSIONATE about! To get up every day and feel as though what I've done by the end of the evening has CHANGED someones life!!
Yes its been slow going! Yes its been a struggle sometimes. . .but I have never given up & never will b/c
1) I believe in what He (GOD) has in store for me & that this is MY SEASON
2) I have a supportive husband, family & friends who encourage, motivate, inspire me all the time and sometimes slap (figuratively that is) some sense in me when I get discouraged or doubtful
3) I ♥ what I'm doing!! I ♥ who've I've become from my struggles, accomplishments, failures & successes!! I may be tired, worn out, and running on fumes but when I lay my head down at night and pick it up in the morning I feel HAPPY & ACCOMPLISHED.
OK, OK, OK. . . I've yammered on enough so I'll end it here. ♥ Ya'll & I'll talk to ya later today b/c I've got some exciting things going on :)
Monday, July 2, 2012
40 Days & Counting . . .
If you've been reading my Fanpage or my personal Facebook page then you know I'M GETTING MARRIED :) :) :) and today happens to mark 40 days until I'll receiving the BLESSING of marrying my Best Friend!! Now as if the Wedding wasn't enough to deal with these last 2-3months I've also embarked on starting my own fitness/online training business,working as a personal trainer at a new gym and strategizing my competition plan for the 1 (one) & ONLY show I'm planning to participate in this year. WHEWWWWWWWWWWW putting that down in writing just let me further understand why I feel like I've been ripping & running like a chicken with my head cut off because it turns out that I actual am. But hey if I don't have a million things keeping me busy then I'm not getting anything done. So you know me . . . BRING IT ON!!
Over these next 40 days I will do everything in my power to post my workouts, EATS, updates on the Wedding, business & everything in between. But right now I'm going to PASS OUT because I've been in OVERDRIVE mode since 5am and seeing as though I'm planning to repeat that tomorrow I'm going to have to get some shut eye :/ Don't forget to check out this months challenge. . . Juicy Bootay July (lolol sorry I couldn't help myself with the name). Tomorrow (7/3/12) I'll be breaking down the workout further and posting video, explanations, etc. On that note. . . nighty night ya'll :)
Over these next 40 days I will do everything in my power to post my workouts, EATS, updates on the Wedding, business & everything in between. But right now I'm going to PASS OUT because I've been in OVERDRIVE mode since 5am and seeing as though I'm planning to repeat that tomorrow I'm going to have to get some shut eye :/ Don't forget to check out this months challenge. . . Juicy Bootay July (lolol sorry I couldn't help myself with the name). Tomorrow (7/3/12) I'll be breaking down the workout further and posting video, explanations, etc. On that note. . . nighty night ya'll :)

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