This edict was handed down by Dallas's one & only superstar Kendra :) Like I told ya'll yesterday she's the one who listens to all my insanities because LC ain't trying to hear any of the nonsense that comes out of my mouth. I complain and whine and he looks at me like I'm pure T insane.
But I'm most guilty of saying a lot about what I'm gonna do, about to do, shoulda done, coulda done, or would like to do. Heck doing it gets on my nerves so I know it irritates those closest to me cause trust me I ramble on a lot. So what does that mean. . . it means its TIME OUT for that and it's Time for Action!! I'm not going to talk about anything until I've actually done what it was that I set out to do or I'm in the midst of doing it because it actually upsets me to keep mentioning these things and never completing them. LC said something to me a few weeks ago and I really took it to heart. . . . he said "Now you have to keep the momentum going" and he was absolutely 100% on the money with that one. Not only will I keep the momentum going but it is WAR!! I am very guilty of loving camouflage especially when paired with pink so I've pulled all my camo out of the closet and I'm prolly gonna re-up on a more because I am a soldier and like I said its WAR and I hafta be prepared. Something about stepping out on Faith yesterday and quitting my part-time job has given me a rejuvenated spirit and I'm ready for my success which is within my reach.
By the way, it's Day 22 (8 more days till Thanksgiving) and I'm still committed to my 30 day challenge. I pray I reach my weightloss goals and I'm doing everything I can to get there but if not I will keep on pushing . . . ummmmmm after Thanksgiving Dinner that is LOLOL!! I have to allow myself 1 day of enjoyment then it's back to business. Oh well I hafta go now because I have a meeting at a personal training studio later and I've got errands to run before then. Ya'll hold it down and I'll talk to ya later
#FitFlyFitnessMomma who LOVES working out and who's here to CHANGE the World 1 client at a time through Functionally Integrated Training. Anyone can do simple weight training on a machine or boring cardio on a "rat wheel" (treadmill, bike, elliptical, etc) but its time to move away from that by combining mobility/stability, balance, speed, strength & power which will translate in our everyday lives thus bringing out the Athlete that lives within ALL of us! KQ~