As you already know last week ended with a WONDERFUL EXPERIENCE at the WBFF Fitness Atlantic show where I placed 5th in my 1st Figure Tall competition!! I want to honestly say I couldn't have asked for anything more because come from whence I came and actually being up there and BELONGING was the GREATEST reward ever, getting the medal was just the Icing on the Cake!!
Now we're prepping for Show #2 Fitness Universe New England Championship at the Mohegan Sun. This was my very 1st show ever last year and it too was a GREAT experience. BTW (by the way) if you'd like to share in the experience with me you can watch LIVE & FOR FREE by clicking here on Saturday, April 30th. It'll also be broadcast on ESPN3 starting @ 12pm.
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Kyndal & MeMe (aka my mom Deloris) painting pottery |
With that being said she came loaded down with SNACKS for her trip. I mean but it was smart because that way she didn't have to buy anything on the train. OHHHHHHHHH YEAH. . .did I fail to mention she rode the train here. LAWD JESUS HELP HER LOLOL!! I thought driving the 12+ hours from SC/NC to CT was a killer, well lemmi tell ya that train ride was like 17hrs. But Oh Well. . .that's what she wanted to do and I accommodated her wish but I did explain to her next trip she's flying cause I don't have time for the complaining that went on for 2 days after she arrived about how tired she was from the ride.
Buuuuuuuuuuuuut back to the subject at hand . . . 7 days till SHOWTIME . . . AGAIN!! I have been worried all week that my visit with my trainer was going to yield poor results but needless to say True to Form my worrying was WASTED ENERGY!! My weight was down, my BF% (body fat percentage) and my body was looking better this time going into show prep week then last time. I'm NOT sure how that's possible but I won't look a gift horse in the mouth. So I got my PLAN from the Best Trainer/Coach ever (aka Kevin Topka) and he gave me very positive and constructive criticism from last weeks show. He showed me little things that I did wrong and things I did right and things we're going to work on for the June show in Boston, MA to ensure contention for PRO STATUS!! Thankfully I've done the hard part which was drop the weight. HECK I had no idea I had that much to drop or that I would look so different but I'm glad I did it and I LOVE how I look and I'm ready to bring it together and get that much deserved PRO CARD!!
I gotta make this one a quick one because 1) I'm unfortunately not feeling super witty today because I have a slight headache due to my contacts bothering me earlier this week so I've been back and forth between wearing nothing & wearing my glasses. And 2) I hafta prepare for LC's return from Spain tomorrow so that mean's cooking him his favorite meals and grocery shopping for the "basics" that he likes to have at the house that were so kindly eaten up by his buddy Kyndal & my mom. As always I LOVE YA'LL & THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART for all the kind words of encouragement and congratulations that I received. They meant the world to me and I will NEVER forget it and I'm going to go out there again next week and do it for ya'll again!!