For starters as you'll notice there are NO pictures displaying the food that I was fortunate enough to partake in. Now this is NOT because I didn't eat because I did. However I was unfortunately all over the place after breakfast which began properly with the a cup of oatmeal & 1/2 cup of blueberries & some walnuts mixed it. If there's one thing I've grown to love its my oats! I use them for any and everything too. Not only are they a breakfast item for me but they serve as a binder when certain meals are calling for bread crumbs, I just grind them up in my Ninja and use them as a substitute and no one ever knows :) After I trained my Saturday AM client I came back home & prepped breakfast for the sleepy heads then had prepped my own lunch which was the remaining Quinoa from the night before with hummus & a raw veggie plate, again I was right on task and still feeling good. So I know now you're wondering when & how did my day fall apart. . . .well seeing as though our impending nuptials are approaching we both found it to be important that we sought premarital counseling from a Pastor to ensure we were on the right path and a Blessing over our marriage. Of all the places we could've looked, we found our Pastor/Counselor on the radio here in CT. His name is Dr Charles T. Brantley and he is AWESOME. . .fits right in with the crazy, quirky personalities that LC & I have. You can also find him on Facebook if you'd like to keep up with his going's on. Anywho back on track as to what that has to do with the Reset and all. . . you see we had an appt on Saturday so as to be prepared I made us both a Tropical Strawberry Shakeology treat thinking that'd hold us over.

Urghhhh the dreaded DAY 6. Things here just started off on the wrong foot. But we'll highlight the positive first 6 days in 5lbs down WOOT!! WOOT!! My mind is clearer & more focused, I'm sleeping good and hard and overall I'm feeling good & looking good. Bloatage (yes I made up a word) in my lower abdomen has reduced significantly despite even though I haven't been a hostage to the bathroom and skin is clear which is a sign of toxins and junk no longer being present in the body. Now let me deliver the not so good info to ya. . .breakfast was slated to be whole grain toast = NOT EATING, tempeh = NOT EATING, avocado = NEVER TRIED & kale. Well this just had me all kinds of messed up because I didn't want any parts of this meal so instead I opted for a Tropical Strawberry Shakeology w/a few berries in it because I actually wasn't hungry. Of course later I found myself a pack of wolves we'll call HUNGER!! Without even hesitating I ate a handful of LC's honey roasted mixed nuts :( I Know, I Know I KNOW. . . I set myself up for that and I was utterly pissed, angry, and disgusted with myself. So quickly prepped lunch which included quinoa salad & a microgreen salad. Since I'd done the ultimate NO, NO with the cashews I passed on the quinoa salad and ate the microgreens where I tried avocado for the first time and it was AWESOME! I have no idea why I've been hesitating to eat this all my life but it was mighty tasty. And I want to give a shout out & a huge THANK YOU to all the ladies who posted avocado recipe ideas yesterday on Facebook when I mentioned my new found treat. Despite my enjoyment of the avocado I was utterly disappointed in myself and was starting to have feelings & thoughts of failure but I had to quickly shake that off and say "I am Human!" "I did not totally WRECK my Reset journey with that 1 handful" and "I will no longer find myself unprepared as I did today & yesterday". . . whewwwwwww back on track and just in time for dinner which was INSANELY GOOD!! Listen I love veggies with a passion but WHO KNEW?!?! That's right who knew combining zucchini & cashews

Stay tuned for the wrap-up of the RELEASE phase in tomorrows post where I will also cover the supplements that I've been taking these last 7 days and the additions I will begin tomorrow. As always Love ya and praying for much success along your journeys!!