Now the self belief part is totally internal and something I've been working on daily. For some reason I used to feel like no one cared or wanted to hear about my story/journey, that I wasn't good enough to hang with the Big Dawgs and that I would never get to where I am today which is still a good ways away from the Ultimate Goal (but I'm on the right path). Well now I know better!! I'm so glad many of you are inspired by my journey and see that I'm a real person, living a real (hectic) life and I'm achieving my fitness goals one push up, squat & bench press at a time LOLOLOL!!! When it comes to feeling like I hang with the Big Dawgs. . . well obviously I don't feel that way anymore b/c I've finally embarked on my competition journey and held my own quite well and there are many more competitions to come so keep your eye out for me. Achieving the Ultimate Goal is still a journey and will probably always be one because every goal I accomplish I see as a rung on a ladder and I just keep climbing and when I reach the top (ie the Ultimate Goal) then I'll just grab a new ladder and start climbing it.
So now what does all this hafta do with "putting myself out there"?!?! You see all the self-doubt that I previously described has kept me from venturing out there and entering different online contests, doing photoshoots, contacting agents, etc. That is over with now and I have an announcement . . . . I'M GOING TO DO A PHOTOSHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!! Yup that's right you heard me, I'm finally doing it because there's no time like the present. I told myself at the beginning of the year 2010 was my year to step out there and that's exactly what I'm doing. In 20days I'm jumping off the ledge and doing my first photoshoot.
GOALS set . . . now it's time to make them a REALITY!!